217 Motorsports new logo

    217 Motorsports is a small group created by a few closely knit, college-aged guys. It was created based on the love for all things motor vehicle-related, from Jeeps to dirt bikes and snowmobiles and everything in between. These guys would work day and night fixing and modifying their vehicles, which included repairing dirt bikes they bought online and fixing the occasional lawnmower. The number combination 2,1, and 7 come from the hub college duplex/apartment where the group would always hang out. 

    This group of guys was referred to as the “217 boys” amongst friends when they came up in conversation. One day they created a vinyl banner of text and each of the guys stuck them on the back window of their vehicles. Although this “logo” is identifiable, it does not really show what it is about. The new logo designs include the group name, some graphics of hills/mountains and trees to symbolize their hobby of “off-roading” and dirt biking. Along with a unique shape surrounding it. 

    The logo designs will include colors of nature such as browns, tans, and shades of green. The new logo design will include lines symbolizing a street or road because the group does travel together not only in a nature environment. 

    This small group, located in Western New York is due for an updated logo that shows everyone what they’re all about. 


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