Brochure Thumbnails

The Specialities of WNY

Group members: Michael Ferris, Alison Csapo, Hamza Alqaisiah, Andrew Knollman.

 Alison Csapo

Andrew Knollman

Hamza Alqaisiah

Michael Ferris


  1. The thumbnails are off to a good start; please make sure that each member of the group outlines THEIR topic umbrellaed underneath the main topic of WNY Restaurants. Please watch again videos 1 and 2 in the video series to remind / review the idea of how to keep these brochures as part of a series, yet also as “stand alone” projects.

    A few things:

    Having a similar shaped graphic in the center panel is a smart idea to “shape associate” from one brochure to the next (the grill, the quesadilla, the ice cream bowl, the bowl of chicken wings) . This circle is consistent and creates a similar shape to help unite the four brochures

    Having a “fun” tagline also helps to connect each of the brochure in the series.


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