The Specialties of WNY Buffalo, NY, (also known as “The Queen City”), has an incredible amount of things to experience, from their fantastic sports teams to their infamous potholes, you name it, they have it! Within the city’s variations, this also includes their nationally known deliciously crafted foods that make Buffalo, NY feel more like home than ever before. Food is what brings people together, and the savory smell of Duff’s Chicken Wings or the wafering smell of fresh cereal blanketing the city can definitely boost the community with joy! In the city of Buffalo, they have a multitude of Buffalo-only food places that are iconic to their dynamic city. Within this brochure, you’ll find the name, logo, and a history of each specific restaurant as well as pictures and descriptions of the most popular food items on the menu or what each restaurant is most known for. Included in the brochure will be a repeated slogan that...